Teaser Two

The piece below was originally intended to be chapter one. Since I am still deciding how I want to tell my story, and learning how to write better overall, I changed my mind about its place in my story. Honestly, it was a writing contest which had made me change my mind about this. It was a contest for page one of an unpublished or work in progress novel.

Before this contest I had not considered all the details that should go into a well written first chapter. As some people would say, I am more of a pantser than a planner. This lacked so many aspects that it would have brought my novel down rather than elevating it. Due to these factors I decided to remove it and rewrote a new beginning, which I am much happier with.

The piece below focuses on Kaiya’s father, Marda. I had several ideas as to how I wanted this to play out and this is what I settled on. The problem with my first idea was that it wasn’t engaging for the reader. Initially I thought it would raise questions and introduce a perspective I plan to use later in the novel.

What I settled on was unfortunately slow as well. It lacked anything to really entice readers to continue reading and was really boring overall. The only reason I am posting this is because it is another look into some aspects before the novel. Although none of what is written below is needed to tell my story I know some people, like my ex partner, would still enjoy reading it and making connections with the novel.

Below focuses on the time between teaser one and the start of my novel. There are several connections which can be made between this, teaser one, and the novel itself, but that’s for you to figure out. I will continue working on it, adding to it and editing it, as I have time. For now, this is what I have.

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