

So admittedly, most of the things I consider “small” details are rather large and because of that, have become very annoying. I focused on the story above anything else, and I quite like what I have story wise. I figured out character personalities and what race they are and what they do in the story, but perhaps not what they look like entirely or sometimes even their names. This presents a fair number of issues with updating this site with information. Either I don’t have the info decided on to be able to put it up, or as I try to put it up, there’s other info I haven’t figured out that affects what I’m trying to put up so I can’t put it up!

I’m angry with myself, and I will get this figured out and finally really start adding to the sites information, just taking longer than I wanted.

A Small Delay

Had to take a few steps back from working on the book, been a rough few weeks and focusing so much on it causes some issues so I took a small break of sorts. This is far more of a project in ways that I hadn’t thought of, which is somewhat surprising. I didn’t think it would be easy or quick by any means, but i hadn’t imagined having some of the issues I currently am. The number of questions you don’t think about when working on the overall world building or story building caught me off guard. Usually little things though, details about houses or technology or how exactly something happens or feel like that you don’t really think about, but could really make a difference. Someone had told me not to get paralyzed in planning, and although I agree, I feel like I need to be as prepared as I can before writing so that once I start, I don’t run into things I didn’t think of or work out which would stall my writing going back to. I suppose I just want to try and make sure my flow isn’t interrupted by things I feel I should have thought of before starting.

Questions Questions and more Questions

Despite not having a lot to show here yet, I actually have a lot figured out for this book. The biggest problem now though is the finer details that most readers may not even pay attention to, while for others it may be the difference from reading words on a page and the world coming to life as they read. The issue for me is the more I focus on these finer details and answer questions that affect the world, the more questions I end up with, sometimes without even answering a question first. It can be such a headache, but I’ll figure it out and answer all the questions I need.

Website Woes

Building this site is rather fun, learning all this new stuff, but its also seriously frustrating. The way WordPress is setup is very useful for doing things quick, but only if you find a theme that you don’t mind seeing on every single page. If you know how to code, you could do way more than I am currently capable of. And I’m sure there are some other ways to do things that I don’t know of, but once you pick a theme, you cannot alter aspects of it without knowing how to code.

Because of this, I probably wont be fully satisfied with this website no matter how much time I spend on it, unless I learn the code. But, this does enough to fulfill my needs, regardless of being satisfied or not. So please, bear with me if you don’t like how the site looks, I don’t either. And I will continue to look into ways to improve it as time goes on and am always open to suggestions.

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